• 281-352-2928
  • 10891 Katy Fwy, Houston TX 77079

Business Social Media Presence

Whether you operate or own a business that has been around for years, or just recently launched, your business social media presence is still very key to the success of your brand, your sales, and connecting with your consumer. Your consumer can be the general public or your consumer could be another business or entity that you are likely to work with within a particular industry. Either way, your social media reach is often greater than that of your typical website.

While Google remains the leading search platform, YouTube and Facebook come in just behind Google. Understand that Google is a “Search Engine” and YouTube is a library of videos and Facebook is, well… nowadays Facebook is a little bit of everything, but it’s primarily based around people and their personal online presence. Over the years, the line between personal pages, professional pages and business entities has faded on Facebook. It’s not uncommon for someone to use the Facebook search bar to find a person, a video or perhaps even answer a question. When you need to understand how something works, or how to use a piece of software, you can usually find a tutorial video on YouTube. This is why your social media presence is more important than it has ever been.

There was a time that if we couldn’t find a business online, with an actual website, that we might lose confidence in that business. This still holds true but if you don’t have a social presence alongside your website, you could lose business to the next guy that does have a social media following and does regularly put out content. While websites can certainly be informative and have all the right content, bells and whistles, if no one is finding your website, it’s a lost cause. But if you leverage your social reach to connect your audience to your website, your website will grow with your audience, you can also get better feedback from your audience; and even track what they actually enjoy about your website, your company and the services that you offer.

Social media gives you a direct line of contact with your consumer, once that connection is made, your leverage is limitless. Why do I say it’s limitless, because once you’ve connected to your consumer via social media, you have the ability to know just about anything and everything they like or dislike. So from a sales and marketing standpoint, you can market directly to the audience that most closely relates to your business, the products you sale or the services you offer. Rather than putting out blanket ads over the radio, TV or even Google, you can now make dedicated ads for very specific needs and wants of your consumers. All while increasing your sales and reducing your cost of advertising. Your ad costs should decrease, because you will now have the ability to reach a much more dedicated and specific audience than you previously could. Which means you should be able to run fewer ads, to reach the same size or possibly even a larger audience to achieve your goals. This also allows you to take those savings and put them into more marketing channels, reaching even more consumers, and driving your sales even higher.

This is exactly what My Custom Leads does, we act as a marketing consulting firm, to increase your web presence and ensure that you have a positive image on social media. We also assist in developing content that is relevant to your marketplace and your consumers. If you have an existing website, we can analyze your website to make sure it is up to the latest standards, including but not limited to SEO, and if needed, we can develop a new website. We can manage all aspects of your social media to bring customers through your door, sale a product or generate leads. We can develop content on your behalf and create target specific funnels to reach the exact consumers you are looking for. For more info on this, please review our services or reach out to one of our team members.

Melvin Maya